Friday, February 13, 2009

I just got back from another doctor's appointment and I am so happy with the fact that our little guy is growing just as he should be and we are on the count down as the doctor said. I still can't believe he will be here before we know it. I know Jeremy and I will both be happy when he is finally here. This week Jeremy and I are getting a feel for what it will be like when he is actually born and keeping us up all night long. I ended up sleeping on the couch last night and it must have been comfortable enough for me to fall asleep but when I woke up I was so sore. I realized I slept there all night when Jeremy woke me up after he had showered for work. I just can't wait til I get to see his little face and I will know all of this was worth it. I actually have no room to complain since I have had it really easy but I still can't wait until it is all done and he is here!!

I feel as if so much has happened this month and I am greatful for the church in my life. I have had the opportunity to learn some great lessons this month. For Enrichment night we had the pleasure of having Kenneth Cope come to our stake he spoke and sang for us and he was absolutely amazing. If you ever have the chance to see him never pass it up which I almost did. The day he came I wasn't feeling good and I was so cranky that I just wanted to hide in my bedroom and sleep. I promised my neighbor Cheryl I would go with her so I got ready to go and I got there where I noticed I was stood up. Cheryl didn't come. I was really beside myself since I still don't know a lot of the sisters in my ward. I only saw one who I spoke to that I actually knew. I ended up sitting all alone but I am so glad that I didn't have anybody to distract me because I have to admit it was the most spiritual expirience I have had in a really long time. Bishop Cope came up to me and introduced himself he said Hi I'm Kenneth Thank you for coming. I was amazed at the glow that was coming off of this man. I was so stupified that all I could say was Nice to meet you. I was amazed at how I felt as if he was speaking to me directly and as if nobody else was there but the two of us. I am just so glad that I didn't hide at home and I actually went because it was amazing.

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool. Thanks for sharing!

    And I am SO happy that you have a blog now. It's so cute and now I can feel like I can keep up with you so much better!
