Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Okay so I know I am late with Valentine's day but you have to understand that life as I know it now is so crazy!! I can't seem to remember anything anymore and I have absolutely no energy. The fact that our house is semi clean right now is a feat!! Yeah Jenn!! First we have been getting the house ready for Baby and so last week the guest room and baby room got painted. Jeremy teases me and tells me I now have my traffic light house. Our bedroom is a red, baby room is Green and the guest room is Yellow. It wasn't planned that way it just happened. This week the guest room got decorated and It turned out so cute. I am so happy with it. I will post pictures once it is completely finished I just have a couple of last minute adjustments. I have been officially kicked out of the baby room and can't see it until my baby shower on the 7th. I have some idea of what's going on but I will be completely surprised with the finished product. So that has been the project the last couple of weeks. Then Saturday for Valentine's Day we decided since money is tight we would keep it simple Jeremy made me dinner and put a lovely table together in our living room. He gave me a vase with a yellow Rose which is my favorite and the Michael Buble Cd, which he had playing during our candle lit dinner. We then danced in the living room. Which was fun until I got completely winded half way through the song. Now I know why the people on dancing with the stars all lose a lot of weight. It dosen't help being 8 months pregnant and already always tired. I have been so tired and I can't stand it. That brings me to Sunday.. I was good and made it to church and then came home and fell asleep and completely spaced off our temple prep class. I felt so bad. Luckily our sweet Bishop understands and always makes sure I am feeling okay and his wife is just as pregnant so he understands completely. I had Jeremy take a few pictures of my belly since I haven't done that yet. I post them but keep in mind Image may appear larger. At least that is what I am told, I am told I am not this big really. I just look huge.


  1. Your pregnant belly is just SO stinkin' cute! I love it!

    And I'm glad you had a great Valentine's!

  2. Yeah! Welcome to the blogging world :). You look so cute all pregnant :). Hopefully I'll see you soon at your shower!
