Thursday, April 22, 2010

Feeling a little Blue!

Lately I have been feeling really low and I am not sure why. I thought it was because I wasn't getting any sleep. I got a really good night sleep and that isn't the case. I thought it was because my house was a disaster area not the case. I feel all alone and I know I'm not I just feel that way. I need to get out of this mood because it is not fun and never good for my little family. I decided to take up a new hobby which I am going to start gardening. For Mother's Day I asked Jeremy to help me build a garden box in our backyard. I am hoping that will help me relax and get back to being me. I am so frustrated with feeling this way I am aware of the problem now I am hoping to fix it. Any other suggestions I am open to new ideas on how to snap out of this!


  1. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling blue Jen. It sounds like you are taking a good approach by getting a new hobby (I love to garden too). I would keep trying things like that and see if it will get better. If not, I am a big believer that sometimes there is a chemical inbalance that can easily be fixed with antidepressants and doesn't go away otherwise. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Whenever I feel like that, I make sure that I do stuff that helps me feel good about myself, like getting a cute haircut, or something like that. And also, I think it helps when you don't just stay home, but get out and have some fun with other people like family and friends. Hope it gets better fast! Good luck!

  3. I think the garden is a great idea! Other than that, I agree with Shannon. Go have some time to yourself and get your hair or nails done, or get a massage. Maybe even try going on walks - going outside always helps.

    But don't feel like you're alone, all moms feel this way every now and then!
